23 September 2009

BNB Rule #4 Long Way Down

Laugh out loud when you see someone fall.  It is funny.  But make sure to help the person back up...even bitches lend a helping hand.


  1. You know what I find funny for some weird ass reason? The swine flu. Anytime someone tells me, "Hey you know so and so had the swine flu," I just can't help but to laugh.

  2. I know! I agree! Maybe it's because so many people made such a big deal about it...it's just H1N1! What about AIDS, HIV, cancer, high cholesterol? Those hit people harder than the swine flu!

  3. When I fall down I hope that there is some bitch here to help me up!!! She better have a fork lift cause she will need it....

  4. The only thing funnier than watching someone fall down is when I fall down! I love that look everyone gets on their faces, they are not sure whether to laugh, ask if your ok, or pretend they didn't see!

  5. I absolutely love laughing/pretending not to see what just happened...love it! One time in college, there was a girl turning the corner in the hall and she totally slid around the corner on her ass while spilling her mocha and books everywhere...needless to say I died laughing (inside of course) and helped her...but still...hilarious!
